Webinar Alert: Crisis Engagement: 12 Tasks to Sustain Donors in Turbulent Times

Date: May 5, 2020
On Friday, May 8, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. ET, join the Florida Department of Cultural Affairs as they present Social Prosperity Partners‘ founder Matt Lehrman for his popular webinar presentation Crisis Engagement: 12 Tasks to Sustain Donors in Turbulent Times.
This webinar was originally scheduled for Thursday, May 7, but has been moved. Those that were registered for the original day/time slot do not need to re-register, rather they have been registered for the rescheduled day/time; and if they cannot attend, they do not need to un-register.
Topics include:
- Taking Care of Yourself & Your Team.
- Safeguard your Donor Management System.
- 3 Relevant Questions to Ask your Largest Donors.
- 4 Meaningful Ways to Connect with Small Donors.
- Now What? What Needs to Change/What Must Stay the Same?
- How to Unleash the Immense Power of your Volunteers.
- Why your Vision Statement is Suddenly More Valuable than your Mission Statement.
- and much more!
About the presenter: From a 20+ year career in nonprofit management, Matt Lehrman founded Social Prosperity Partners, a practice devoted to supporting community leaders in endeavors of imagination, courage, and collaboration. He has consulted and presented workshops on donor & stakeholder engagement, audience development, civic engagement, and loyalty & customer engagement throughout the US and UK.