National Endowment for the Arts Announces CARES Act Funding Support Guidelines

Date: April 9, 2020
**NEWS Shared by the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs**
This morning, the National Endowment for the Arts announced guidelines to distribute funding to nonprofit arts organizations from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to preserve jobs and help support organizations forced to close operations due to the spread of COVID-19.
With the $75 million appropriated to the National Endowment for the Arts through the CARES Act, the Arts Endowment will award 40 percent of the funds directly to state and regional arts agencies to distribute through their funding programs. Sixty percent of the funds are designated for direct grants to nonprofit arts organizations all across the United States and will be announced by June 30.
The more than 3,700 organizations that have received National Endowment for the Arts awards in the past four years are eligible to apply for a direct grant through the Arts Endowment’s program. Funds can be used for staff salary support, fees for artists or contractual personnel, and facilities costs. The direct grants will not require a cost-share or match and will be for a fixed amount of $50,000.
Designated local arts agencies eligible to sub-grant may request $100,000 or $250,000 for sub-granting programs. The deadline to apply is April 22, 2020 with the earliest announcement of grant award or rejection by June 30, 2020. Please see the Arts Endowment’s website for program description, eligibility requirements, application review, and FAQs.
In the coming weeks, South Arts will announce its program of support made possible through the Arts Endowment CARES funding. Guidelines will be announced via email, newsletter, and social media.
For a list of COVID-19 resources, please visit https://www.southarts.org/