Foo Foo Fest 2021 Public Grant Scoring & Grant Recipient Announcement Meeting

Date: May 6, 2021
WHAT: Mark your calendars for Foo Foo Festival’s virtual grant scoring and 2021 grant winner announcement, taking place on Friday, May 14, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. CST. Following an impressive showing of applicants this year, the Foo Foo Festival team is excited to share the news of this year’s grant winners and the events they will be presenting at the 7th Annual Foo Foo Festival this fall. While Foo’s plans for its 2020 events were canceled out of an abundance of caution to ensure the health and safety of the Pensacola community and attendees, the highly-anticipated festival will return in November 2021 better than ever before. The 7th Annual Foo Foo Festival will take place November 4-15, 2021 with 12 days of fun-filled celebrations.
The invitation to join this year’s official announcement and public grant scoring is open to the public and interviews are available following the presentation. Those interested in attending may do so physically at the J. Earle Bowden Building or virtually via registering for the Zoom meeting below.
- Maria Goldberg, Chair, Foo Foo Festival
- Nicole Stacey, Curator, Foo Foo Festival
WHEN: Friday, May 14, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. CST
- Physically (preferred) – A socially distanced in-person presentation will take place at the J. Earle Bowden Building, located at 120 Church Street, Pensacola, FL. Face masks will be required.
- Virtually – For those who are unable to join in-person or would prefer to join virtually, please register in advance for the Zoom Meeting here:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88560946118 (Meeting ID: 885 6094 6118)
After registering, a confirmation email will be shared containing information about joining the meeting.
For more information on the 2021 Pensacola Foo Foo Festival, visit FooFooFest.com or follow Foo Foo Festival on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
ACE is a nonprofit organization that receives Federal, State of Florida, Escambia County, City of Pensacola, corporate, foundation and personal funds. ACE disperses these funds through an equitable granting process to nonprofit arts, culture and entertainment organizations throughout Escambia County, Fla., and promotes Escambia County as an arts and cultural destination through the annual Foo Foo Festival and other marketing efforts. For more information about ACE, visit www.acepensacola.org.