A Special Announcement from the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs

Date: April 24, 2020
**News provided by The Florida Division of Cultural Affairs**
A Special Announcement from the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs
While it is Florida’s intent to request all of its funds ($602,800) as recently allocated pursuant to the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Public Law 116-136), we are not yet able to formalize our request. We are currently outside the regularly scheduled legislative session and must work in the interim with the Governor’s Office and Legislature to approve our budget plan and request the draw. We will make these funds available in the most expeditious manner possible.
NEH CARES: Financial relief for impacted Cultural Organizations
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has established the NEH CARES fund for impacted cultural organizations working in the humanities who seek support for at-risk positions and programs. The NEH seeks to award grants to museums, libraries and archives, historic sites, independent research institutions, professional organizations, colleges and universities, and others across the USA.
Important Resources for Artists and Organizations
The Division of Cultural Affairs has compiled preparedness tools and recovery resources for individuals and organizations. Click here to find the opportunity that’s right for you or your organization!
Looking for a more detailed guide on available relief and resources?
Check out the NEA’s detailed Resources for Artists and Arts Organizations page for frequently updated news and resources for artists and arts organizations nationwide.